How to Save on Electric Bill Amid the Raging Energy Crisis in Australia?

How to Save on Electric Bill Amid the Raging Energy Crisis in Australia?

Your instinct would be to crank up the heater dial as you shiver through the record-breaking winter in the Australia. But amid the raging energy crisis, it’d be wise to think twice about how to save on electric bill.

According to AEMO, the wholesale price of electricity went up 141% in the first quarter of 2022 compared to 2021. And with no end in sight for the Russia-Ukraine war and rising supply chain difficulties, the energy crisis is only expected to intensify further.

But while the crisis is real, there are things you can do to save on your electricity bills. Here are some electricity saving tips that can help-

1. Understand Your Energy Plan

It is inevitable for businesses and households in Australia to face an increase in electricity costs in the second half of 2022. But your current contract might protect you from the rising prices to an extent. To begin with, you can check your electricity bill as it contains basic details about your energy plan and retailer.

You can then contact the retailer to know more about the plan. Here are some points you should focus upon-

  • When and by how much are the prices expected to go up
  • How will you be informed about the price rise
  • Does the retailer have a better deal for you

2. Find the Right Energy Plan

If your current contract is about to end or you’d like to switch to another retailer, one of the best ways to save on energy bill is to choose the right energy plan as per your requirement. You can visit to compare energy retailers in your area.

The free tool only requires you to enter your suburb or postcode and some basic details to generate a list of retailers and their energy plans. All the details, such as yearly prices, plan features, solar feed-in tariff, etc., are available to help with the selection.

3. Go Solar

If you’re looking for a more permanent solution for how to save on electric bill, going solar is something you should consider. Once the solar system is installed, you can start generating your own electricity which could significantly reduce your power bills.

Thanks to the growing popularity of solar in Australia, households and even small businesses can easily find solar systems as per their expectations and requirements. Moreover, under SRES (Small-scale Renewable Energy Scheme), you might also be eligible for incentives to help with the purchase cost of your solar system.

4. Use SunEnergy’s PAYS Program

While going solar is one of the best ways to lower electricity bills, the upfront investment of a solar system is a concern for most Aussie households and small businesses. This is where, SunEnergy’s PAYS (Pay-As-You-Save) program can help.

‘PAYS’, allows you to pay for the system in low fortnightly payments with $0 deposit. This redirects what would usually be wasted on energy bills to cover the cost of brand new state of the art solar system. Moreover, you can also receive a feed-in tariff by selling the excess power back to your electricity retailer.

Finding Effective Ways to Reduce Your Energy Bills

The current energy crisis in Australia will only put additional pressure on the rising cost of living. Thus, how to reduce your energy bill is a genuine concern for most households and small businesses.

If you’re looking for effective solutions, you can use the tips listed above as they can positively impact your savings. However, the best way to tackle the current crisis, as well as any energy crisis of the future, is to go solar. SunEnergy’s PAYS program empowers you to go solar and reduce your electricity bills without any significant investments.

For more information call 1800 786 765 or get a quick quote below

SunEnergy would like to highlight a time-sensitive opportunity: The imminent reduction in the Federal Government STC rebate for Solar systems installed after January 1st 2024.

This change will impact the financial benefits associated with installing solar PV systems, making it paramount for you to consider this opportunity promptly.

Australia’s solar energy industry has been thriving in recent years and the Australian government’s support, particularly through incentives like the STC rebate, has been instrumental in fostering the growth of solar PV systems.

Acting with a sense of urgency is key, and here’s why securing your solar PV system with SunEnergy before the rebate reduction is of utmost importance:

1. Financial Savings: Seize the current rebate scheme to substantially reduce your upfront costs. This translates into significant financial savings for you, making solar power more accessible.

2. Environmental Impact: Embrace solar energy to shrink your carbon footprint and contribute to a cleaner, sustainable future. Your decision today positively influences the environment and supports the ongoing shift towards renewable energy.

3. Energy Independence: With your solar PV system, you’re on the path to generating your clean energy and reducing reliance on conventional sources. Capitalise on the current rebate scheme to fast-track your journey towards energy independence.

At SunEnergy, we’re more than just a solar company – we’re your partner in navigating the complex world of rising power prices. Our team of experts is ready to guide you through every step of the process, from system design to installation, ensuring a seamless transition to clean and cost-effective energy.

We are committed to delivering the highest quality products and exceptional customer service, backed by our years of industry experience and partnerships with leading manufacturers.

Act now and schedule a free consultation with one of our solar experts.

Together, let’s harness the power of the sun and take control of your energy costs.

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Call us today on 1800 786 765 & take control of your energy costs.

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