Solar system Brisbane – does heat affect solar panel performance?
Does Heat Affect Solar Panel Performance

Solar system Brisbane – does heat affect solar panel performance?

In Brisbane, the city’s culture is synonymous with beaches, bars and an overall warm (sometimes hot) climate.

With the increasing popularity of renewable energy, more and more homeowners are switching to solar power – and why not! With constant sun and the positive effects on the environment, solar power is a great way to capitalise on the ever-present sun here in Australia.

However, if you are thinking of taking this step, you might be thinking, does heat affect solar panel performance and is it too hot in Brisbane for peak solar power performance?


Does heat affect solar panel performance?

There are prime weather conditions for solar power performance. However, they differ marginally depending on the type of panels.

Commonly, around 25 degrees celsius is the optimum heat for solar consumption. As temperature increases per degree, the efficiency will decrease.

In some of the hottest temperatures (40 degrees and higher), solar panels can become so hot that they lose up to 25% efficiency.

This is the case with mono and poly panels, as they have a high efficiency, but are comprised of heat affected materials.

There are films and positioning that can dramatically minimise this impact.

Regarding solar panels in Brisbane, if you ask the professionals at SunEnergy, they will be able to tell you which one of their products best suits the current climate.

Alternatively, some solar manufacturers provide data sheets that will have specific information regarding how much temperature affects the efficiency of the panels.

Through testing phases, these manufacturers mathematically calculated how a single degree increase affects performance.

Reducing heat effects

One of the most important parts of a solar system is the inverter, and if this component is taken care of, you will have no issues with power output.

Commonly placed on the side of the home, an inverter should be in the shade for maximum efficiency.

Similarly, there are specific installation techniques that can be used in Brisbane with mono and poly panels that will stop the panels from getting overly hot.

One way to do this is to ensure that the panels are mounted with a space between the underside and the roof. This creates the maximum air flow which is a natural way of cooling.

Some panels are constructed with lighter colours than others. Commonly the light colours don’t trap heat like the dark materials, and will consequently remain cooler even in the hottest temperatures.

In Brisbane, it is important to speak to professionals when it comes to solar power. 

At SunEnergy, the team will have all of the technical solar panel information out there that might affect the heat-retaining capabilities of your system.

Give the team a call today to ask any questions you might have, and ensure that in the heat of Brisbane, you still get the most out of your solar system.

SunEnergy would like to highlight a time-sensitive opportunity: The imminent reduction in the Federal Government STC rebate for Solar systems installed after January 1st 2024.

This change will impact the financial benefits associated with installing solar PV systems, making it paramount for you to consider this opportunity promptly.

Australia’s solar energy industry has been thriving in recent years and the Australian government’s support, particularly through incentives like the STC rebate, has been instrumental in fostering the growth of solar PV systems.

Acting with a sense of urgency is key, and here’s why securing your solar PV system with SunEnergy before the rebate reduction is of utmost importance:

1. Financial Savings: Seize the current rebate scheme to substantially reduce your upfront costs. This translates into significant financial savings for you, making solar power more accessible.

2. Environmental Impact: Embrace solar energy to shrink your carbon footprint and contribute to a cleaner, sustainable future. Your decision today positively influences the environment and supports the ongoing shift towards renewable energy.

3. Energy Independence: With your solar PV system, you’re on the path to generating your clean energy and reducing reliance on conventional sources. Capitalise on the current rebate scheme to fast-track your journey towards energy independence.

At SunEnergy, we’re more than just a solar company – we’re your partner in navigating the complex world of rising power prices. Our team of experts is ready to guide you through every step of the process, from system design to installation, ensuring a seamless transition to clean and cost-effective energy.

We are committed to delivering the highest quality products and exceptional customer service, backed by our years of industry experience and partnerships with leading manufacturers.

Act now and schedule a free consultation with one of our solar experts.

Together, let’s harness the power of the sun and take control of your energy costs.

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Call us today on 1800 786 765 & take control of your energy costs.

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