World Wildlife Fund (WWF) ‘Renewable export recovery package’ supported

World Wildlife Fund (WWF) ‘Renewable export recovery package’ supported by SunEnergy

October 2020 update (Post Federal Budget announcement)

We are proud to share that the Federal Budget announcements confirmed a number of wins that are directly aligned with the WWF campaign.

Some highlights include:

  • $15 million for a big battery in WA (announced last Friday)
  • $67 million for microgrids in remote and regional communities
  • $70.2 million for a hydrogen export hub
  • $1.5 billion for the Modern Manufacturing Program, of which clean energy technologies were identified as a priority
  • $1.4 billion for the Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA) over twelve years

About the WWF Renewable export recovery package

The World Wildlife Fund (WWF) Australia have developed a Renewable export COVID-19 recovery package.

This package focuses on Australia bouncing back from COVID-19, with an increased focus on renewable energy.

As part of this SunEnergy is standing alongside WWF in their efforts to put forward this proposal to federal parliament.

‘Creating jobs and future proofing Australia’s economy’

It is the World Wildlife Fund’s hope that the federal government will treat the proposal with the respect it deserves.

In a effort to:

  • Create 100,000 jobs in the renewable energy sector
  • FUTURE PROOF Australia’s economy
  • Bring renewable energy manufacturing back into Australia
  • Boost global exports
  • Grow existing industries
  • Unlock new opportunities and industries

Creating three times as many jobs per dollar spent

With an increased focus on renewable energy, this means that not only will it boost Australia’s economy and create thousands of jobs, it will also have an incredibly beneficial effect on our environment.

WWF Australia states that:

“Every dollar of stimulus spent on clean energy projects generates nearly three times as many jobs per dollar than investment in fossil fuel projects.”

(Quote taken from

Five focus areas

The five key areas that WWF are looking for funding for are in:

  • Battery production and manufacturing within Australia to be used for renewable energy storage
  • Solar projects to help communities across Australia
  • Manufacture electric buses on Australian soil to create local jobs, green public transport and export opportunities
  • Modernise existing manufacturing within Australia to leave fossil fueled power behind to run on clean green renewable energy
  • Accelerating renewable hydrogen production to be used as the fuel for the future

Go solar and help the environment

We all can play our part in helping the environment.

One of these ways is very simple and helps not only the environment but also your savings! Learn more about our Pay As You Save program!

SunEnergy would like to highlight a time-sensitive opportunity: The imminent reduction in the Federal Government STC rebate for Solar systems installed after January 1st 2024.

This change will impact the financial benefits associated with installing solar PV systems, making it paramount for you to consider this opportunity promptly.

Australia’s solar energy industry has been thriving in recent years and the Australian government’s support, particularly through incentives like the STC rebate, has been instrumental in fostering the growth of solar PV systems.

Acting with a sense of urgency is key, and here’s why securing your solar PV system with SunEnergy before the rebate reduction is of utmost importance:

1. Financial Savings: Seize the current rebate scheme to substantially reduce your upfront costs. This translates into significant financial savings for you, making solar power more accessible.

2. Environmental Impact: Embrace solar energy to shrink your carbon footprint and contribute to a cleaner, sustainable future. Your decision today positively influences the environment and supports the ongoing shift towards renewable energy.

3. Energy Independence: With your solar PV system, you’re on the path to generating your clean energy and reducing reliance on conventional sources. Capitalise on the current rebate scheme to fast-track your journey towards energy independence.

At SunEnergy, we’re more than just a solar company – we’re your partner in navigating the complex world of rising power prices. Our team of experts is ready to guide you through every step of the process, from system design to installation, ensuring a seamless transition to clean and cost-effective energy.

We are committed to delivering the highest quality products and exceptional customer service, backed by our years of industry experience and partnerships with leading manufacturers.

Act now and schedule a free consultation with one of our solar experts.

Together, let’s harness the power of the sun and take control of your energy costs.

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Call us today on 1800 786 765 & take control of your energy costs.

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